Dyson, Esther

Dyson, Esther
Executive Founder, Way to Wellville

Esther Dyson(@edyson on twitter) is executive founder of the Way to Wellvile (@WaytoWellville), an open-source, evidence-generating project devoted to defining and testing models for producing community health (not health care) that will return profits to investors and health to the participants and their communities.  W2W is working with the five Wellville communities to accelerate their own efforts to produce health. The  communities are:  Clatsop County, OR; Lake County, CA; Muskegon County, MI; Niagara Falls, NY; and Spartanburg, SC. Dyson is the W2W advocate for Muskegon, and is actively involved in overall policy and fundraising for the ten-year project.  

Aside from that full-time role, Dyson spends her extra time  investing in and nurturing start-ups, with a recent focus on health and aerospace.