Shah, Radhika

Shah, Radhika
Co-President, Stanford Angels and Entrepreneurs

Radhika is Co-President of the Stanford Technology Innovation Club Stanford Angels and Entrepreneurs enabling angel investing within the community and helping advance Entrepreneurship and Innovation. She is an entrepreneur, tech executive, angel investor passionate about civic engagement and building movements/communities towards transformational social change often leveraging technology. She is an Advisor to the Sustainable Development Goals Philanthropy Platform. 

Growing up under Gandhi Ashram influence in India, Radhika has always been passionate about women's rights, education, social justice, environment. She has been an advisor/mentor/judge at student Accelerators Startx (Stanford) and SkydeckLabs (Berkeley). She co-founded TechMentoring group with 500 members. 

She was a Tech4Obama Co-Chair, is Founding CoChair NLC for Entrepreneurs for Hillary, judge at the USSBA Competition. She co-founded the Ashoka SV chapter - community engaged with Ashoka Fellows focused on girls education, social justice, tech for social good, preventing violence against girls, Brazilian rain forest conservation. 

She is on SVLeadershipCouncil for Action-for-India, platform for social entrepreneurs to scale, a founding member of the Institute for Fourth Sector Development /For-benefit Entrepreneurship (social mission primacy + earned income), advisor to - citizen journalism empowering tribal Indians and bringing digital micro-work to places such as sub-saharan Africa. Radhika holds Stanford MSCS and a Berkeley MBA.