Kargieman, Emiliano

Kargieman, Emiliano
Founder and CEO, Satellogic

Emiliano Kargieman, known to his friends as “EK”, has spent the last 25 years building technology and technology companies. 

As a founder of Core Security Technologies, EK developed the first automated penetration testing software, earning the loyalty of clients such as Apple, Cisco, Homeland Security, NSA, NASA, Lockheed Martin, and DARPA. As the co-founder and Managing Director of venture capital firm Aconcagua Ventures, EK focused on investing in high-tech startups in Latin America to develop them as global businesses. 

In the summer of 2010, after serendipitously spending some time at NASA Ames campus in Mountain View, he started developing the concepts that would become Satellogic.
Emiliano is 40, has a formal background in Number Theory and Philosophy and is married to Pola, a fiction author who shares his passion for technology. When not thinking about, or building technology, Emiliano enjoys reading, writing, playing chess and other random sports. He is trying to learn to play the trumpet.